The countdown for what Jenn and I have affectionately dubbed "Monster Girls' Weekend" may have started a little earlier than any sane person's might, but as many of you know, having Jenn come to visit is one of my favorite things.
Thanks to a collaboration with Momma Pollard, Jenna actually knew nothing about our upcoming February girl's weekend until I started dropping email hints a week before her birthday. Since the concert was in AC, I started with clues about Monopoly, the Miss America Pageant, and the Jersey Shore and progressively moved to Gaga clues like "You Germanotta have figured out your birthday surprise by now."
The big reveal email below was sent at midnight on her birthday which was when said countdown above began...
Friday morning we ended up sleeping in as is pretty normal for Jenn and I, and eventually got ourselves together and headed to Newark for some Starbucks and a visit to Networks. Thanks to Mrs. Craighton, my friend Meghan's mom, I know about this school program run by the Christina School District that helps mentally handicapped students develop specialized skills like glass etching. One of the workshops is a printshop, so Jenn and I took the invitation that I like from Etsy to see if it would be possible for them to create something similar. I'm really hoping that it works out well because it would be nice to be able to support the handicapped community by giving them my business. More on this later.
After our visit to Networks, I drove Jenna by my old house on Phillips Ave since she had never visited me there. It looks exactly the same and is definitely unihabited. It appears no one has lived there since we did a full three years ago, so I don't know what that's about. It was nice to have that freedom in college, but I have to say that I'm much happier in my little house.
At about 1, we headed over to Mom's house where Jenna got to see Logan. We picked up Mom and headed up to the Brandywine River Museum so both Mom and Jenn could see the space where Alex and I will be getting married. It was a beautiful day, so it was nice to see the courtyard in the sunshine. Below are a few photos from someone else's wedding that really don't do the space justice. I'm not a fan of the tiny arch because it gets lost in the space. I think I'll be coming up with something different for ours.

And here's a shot of one of the museum path's through the wildflower garden where we'll be taking pictures. Rebecca, the events coordinator for the Brandywine River Museum, was telling us that the pictures are lovely, but that there's nothing she can do to prevent drunk kayakers from floating through the background. I'm honestly excited to see if that actually happens...

After a visit to the museum, we headed back towards Hockessin via some seriously back roads thanks to my GPS. Mom had found this new shop called Designer Consigner, so we got in a little retail therapy there (Jenna found some awesome boots) and then headed over to Marshalls. After dropping Mom off, Jenn and I were beat, so we stopped for some Corona's at the shady liquor store near the mall and headed home with our Don Pablos take out for movies and hanging out with Harper.
Saturday was concert day, so we got up, packed out stuff, and appreciated Alex's thoughtfulness at wearing his Lady Gaga inspired t-shirt.
After a quick trip to the mall for some fun makeup at Sephora and a Starbuck's run, we were off to New Jersey!
And then we realized somewhere around Cherry Hill that we didn't have the tickets, so we went back to Delaware!
Got home, got the tickets, endured Alex shaking his head at us a lot, and got back on the road for New Jersey (again!).
Considering our blondness, we actually made it there in pretty amazing time and were on the AC Expressway so Jenna could see the welcome signs with the most awkward tagline of all time for herself.

For those who can't read that, here's a nice, clean version of AC's signature tagline. As the wise Barney Stinson once said, "Ah, AC. Always in decline, never hitting bottom." This was my first trip during the off season, so I ended up taking that particular wisdom to heart.

After parking at the very top, we realized that this old school parking garage had no elevator. I had packed light, so I just lifted my suitcase and hauled it down the stairs. Jenn only had the bag she had brought from FL, and despite it being light since she left most of her stuff at my house, it was too big to lift, so she came down the stairs with a mind-numbing THUNK, THUNK, THUNK, on each and every stair. By the time we got to the lobby, we looked a hot, windblown, crazy ass mess.
Luckily, although slow, the elevators worked in the hotel, so we headed up to the 5th floor and unpacked in what I can only describe as a 5th floor beach bungalow. It was so odd...
There was a kitchenette next to the bed, an island at the foot of the bed that separated the "bedroom" from the "living room" and a TV on top of the island. Much to Jenna's delight, we found that the TV case swiveled, so you could turn the tv to face the bed or the living area depending on where you were. Below is a picture from someone else who stayed at Atlantic Palace that had a swivel TV as well.

The oddest part of the room though, was the window with drawn shades at the center of the room that didn't lead to the outdoors. It tooks us a while to figure out that the window actually was in the shower, and your choices were shower in total darkness with the blinds shut for privacy, or expose yourself to the world for a little light. Yep.
The coolest part of the room was the window that spanned an entire wall and had a padded window seat. Despite heinous curtains that looked like they belonged in a 7 year old girl's room, it was nice to be able to sit and look out at the sunset as we got ready for the evening.
Despite our inital desire to get all decked out like Gaga in skimpy, glittery, crazy clothes and impossibly high heels, Jenn and I decided that we were in fact way too old for that shit and opted for a glittery top with a sheer shirt over it, jeans, and black boots for me, and a glittery top, cardigan, jeans, and boots for her. The longer the night went on, the more sure that we were that we had made the right decision. On top of everyone else at the concert taking care of the weird and skimpy for us, it was effing FREEZING that night.
Taking a cab seemed like the best idea we'd ever had after taking one look at the walk we'd have to take to Boardwalk hall, so we headed out. Our cabbie was more bizarre than any NY taxi driver I've ever encounted, and that's saying something. He kept asking us, "Lady Gaga, shaky shaky? She is bad girl, shaky shaky. You girls shaky shaky your booty?" in his heavy middle eastern accent. We just sort of ignored what was happening and thanked God that it was only a 5 minute ride.
We ended up getting dropped off at some underground secret entrance to Boardwalk Hall that was connected to the parking lot. We tried to take the elevator up to the main floor to go outside and get something to eat, but had more than a little trouble. Somehow, Jenn and I managed to end up in an employee's only section without having our tickets checked and had to have someone help us get OUT of Boardwalk Hall. After a few minutes of being turned around, we ended up exiting through the main entrance at which point Jenn followed me into the same divided section of the revolving door and promptly got her purse stuck, immobilizing the door. Yep.
So there we were, stuck in the door with Boardwalk Hall employees shaking their heads and rolling their eyes on one side and the entirety of the crowd that had been camped out waiting to get their mosh pit seats to Gaga on the other. A nice gentleman came and forced the door open, freeing Jenna and I, who slinked off with our tails between our legs to Trinity to get something to eat.

Of course despite the fact that there was no one in there, it took over an hour for them to seat us, so we amused ourselves by taking pictures and drinking wine and beer.
Of course as is customary any time Jenn and I go out, we made a "friend." By friend, I mean big scary dude that wouldn't stop talking to us about his weed habit and how AC is such a cool town and where he goes to church and check out my tattoos, etc. Of course we ended up talking to this dude almost the whole time we waited.
Luckily food service was quicker than getting a table, so after our dinner of fish and chips and a burger for Jenn, we headed over to Boardwalk Hall, got inside (with tickets this time), and got in the world's. longest. drink line.
Of course.
The show started at 8, which means Gaga goes on at 9ish? 915ish? Do we have time for this? So we gauged whether or not we were missing anything based on how loudly the crowd was cheering. Of course AS we get our watered down $8 cranberry vodkas, the deafening roar of the crowd washes over us, and we race to find our seats. It took a while to get there, so as we ran in heels balancing drinks, we were sing-screaming the lyrics to "Dancing in the Dark" praying to god we weren't missing anything too awesome.
So our seats turned out to be sort of crappy, but it was definitely well worth it. The stage map shows that the seats where we were had a partial side view of the stage, but it turns out Gaga brings her own stage, so hers jutted out a hell of a lot further than the originial Boardwalk Hall stage. This is how it ended up looking from our perspective.
According to google images in the morning, this is what it looked like from the front. So we missed a bit of the detail, but we definitely got to see all of the choreography from a cool perspective, and the show was amazing.

Afterwards, we weren't ready to go home yet, so we opted to check out the surrounding casinos. Unfortunately the one that was the least crowded was Bally's, which has a Western theme, where of course after 11, the "Vixens" perform.
After a few test tube shots, Coronas, wasting about $20 on slots, and switching shoes with each other because my feet hurt, we opted to walk back to Caesar's and sit in the indoor lounge chairs overlooking the beach. Obviously at 1 in the morning, it was dark, but here's someone else's picture of what that set up looks like.

The morning was a really pain in the ass checkout which ended up with the elevators being so overcrowded that we ended up THUNK, THUNK, THUNKing down 5 flights of steps and then back up 12 more in the parking garage. Eventually there was Starbucks, a pit stop at the grocery store, and homemade falafel for dinner at home while watching Anthony Bourdain.
Monday morning started with a nice breakfast at Bob Evans followed by an impromteau trip to DSW where I found not only yellow shoes to go with my new dress from Marshall's but also a very pretty pair of cream pumps with flowers over the toe that I'm pretty sure will end up being my wedding shoes! Sadly, after our shoe shopping, I took Jenn back to the airport and said our goodbyes. Looking forward to the next one as soon as possible!
All in all a perfect girls' weekend...
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