Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Only in Smyrna...

So this one house on my way to work has their own version of what I can only guess is a nativity scene. It's up pretty much from November to March, but now that the extended Christmas season is over it appears that the plastic figures have been banished to the porch where they peer lovingly into the window of their owner's home like some creepy, cheap plastic peeping toms. The assortment includes a kneeling adult Jesus, two altar boys with open mouths, a sheep, two candles, and a tiny snowman. "One sheep shy of an orgy" according to Doug's analysis of the situation...

Everyone that I work with knows about and has seen this strange assortment of characters (located not too far down the road from the Jamaican place with the life-sized plastic, neon palm trees), but no one has ever stopped to take a picture of it. Today on the way back from Derek's farewell lunch, Doug drove really slowly up the shoulder of the road with hazard lights on while I took a picture and Doug and Steph giggled from the backseat so that everyone could enjoy...


  1. As an amateur photographer myself, I appreciate the effort it took to obtain this very enjoyable photo.

  2. Larry, the art director at work, said he's going to go back with something a little better than my cell phone camera and try to get a better one. I'll definitely post it as soon as possible...

    Of course you like it, Dan! If we can get a better picture, it's going to be an MS Paint gold mine!
