When it comes to humor, I sometimes have the sophistication of a 12-year-old boy who loves nothing more than a good, old fashioned fart joke. This is why when we saw these two establishments along Route 13 over the weekend, I of course erupted into a fit of giggles.
But really? Third Base produce? The baseball metaphor automatically comes spilling into my head, and now I can't think of anything else. You know how KFC's logo is "finger-lickin good?" Well this produce is "finger-ban...". Nevermind. I'll keep it PG.
So not even 5 miles down the same road, we came across some really poor sign placement. So the Crown Motel is obviously a less than upstanding establishment (which there seem to be quite a few of on this road...my favorite is the "Dutch Inn." Whenever we pass it Alex calls it the "Dutch OV-Inn." Classy.) Well anyway, we were stopped at a red light in front of one of Route 13's many shady establishments, and we saw this.
It appears to be a short list of services offered at the motel! Honestly, I thought that stuff this unfortunate only happened in Smyrna and the rest of slower lower, but apparently we can count on New Castle to throw in a few classics every now and then as well!
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