I honestly could not love the new bangs more. Even when I pull my hair up, it looks like I've at least put some thought into it. And luckily I didn't have any trouble training the new bangs to behave like I did last time I tried bangs. Here's another cute shot of Mom and I at Bethany Blues down the beach.

Just as an aside, this was right after a grammy-nominated blind man sniffed me and told me that I was a good hippy dippy girl....but that's another story for another time. In addition to new hair, I've felt the need to update my look, which has meant pinup eyeliner, bright lipstick, and bold prints.
Case in point:

Don't worry, not everything I own is feline print. Just happened to be in a mood this week. Also, notice the gay pride flag behind me in my cubicle from the parade? I'm pretty sure our company's president thinks that Alex is a girl. Funny, no?
Oh, and I also thrifted a great pair of gold Etienne Aignier shoes for $4! How fun is that?

In addition to getting myself ready for fall, I've also been working hard to get the house looking great. First and foremost, we've been trying to find time to mulch the yard for ages. It only took a few hours and two trips to Willey's, but it makes all the difference.

Now if only our sad grass would fill in. I think we have Harper to thank for that mess. Also, take a look at our cool, new solar lights courtesy of Carin and Daniel! They make a huge difference when we're coming home at night and for late night trips outside with the dog.
On the front steps, I had planted jedi salvia in my barrel planter, which promptly died in the heat wave over the summer. My mother-in-law gave me some mums to replace the dead stuff, and I added some festive scarecrows and a pumpkin. Very cute!

On Friday, I tried my hand at pumpkin carving. Although it didn't come out quite like it was supposed to, I used ModCloth's pug template and made this.

Unfortunately, her little face doesn't glow through like it is supposed to because the rind of the pumpkin is almost 2 inches thick, but I was very proud of my first attempt at pumpkin carving since the days I did it with my parents. I'm also starting to think I must have not helped too much with the actual cleaning out of the pumpkin, because that was SO much more of a pain in the ass than I remember...
Last, but not least, fall and nice weather has meant more trips to the bark park for Harper! Here's me with Harper's new friend Payton. She may be tiny, but at 3 pounds and 4 months old, she held her own at the park! Too cute.